The Street as the Future Opportunity

June 29, 2015 - DeepRoot has released a video featuring David Malda explaining how Gustafson Guthrie Nichol is rethinking downtown streets. The video, “The Street as the Future Opportunity – Perspectives on the Right-of-Way,” is one of several discussions developed during a recent design charrette hosted by DeepRoot and the Landscape Architecture Foundation in Seattle, WA.

During this short 3-minute video, David outlines GGN’s streets philosophy and inquiry. "As we're thinking about streets and trying to approach them as landscapes, we're seeing that this has got to be a broader discussion than just a narrow strip of planting... this has got to be about the whole idea of a street and how people think about cities. What do we expect from our downtown?"

The charrette was the topic of two blog posts: “Sustaining nature and natural processes in the ultra-urban environment” by Matthew Alcide of Land8 and “When ‘Parking’ Meant ‘Space for Trees’” by Michelle Richmond of DeepRoot.